Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1057
Rediseño y construcción de la suspensión McPherson del tren delantero de un Chevrolet Vitara Clásico aplicando herramientas computacionales de simulación estructural y manufactura
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-07-15)
In this work, the objective was to carry out the redesign of the McPherson suspension system of
the front end of a classic Chevrolet Vitara brand, to improve the driving conditions of the vehicle
on third-class roads. ...
Density and rheology of acid suspensions of peanut waste in different conditions: An engineering basis for bioethanol production
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-06-01)
The current world-wide energetic situation implies in researches about new resources and technologies capable of producing biofuels, such as the peanut processing residues. To design operations associated to bioethanol ...
Aplicabilidad de la suspensión condicional del procedimiento penal en materia de tránsito.
(Quito: UCE, 2014)
El Código de Procedimiento Penal, prevé salidas alternativas al proceso penal, entre ellas, el artículo 37.2, que establece la Suspensión Condicional del Procedimiento Penal y tiene como fundamento el principio de oportunidad ...
Density And Rheology Of Acid Suspensions Of Peanut Waste In Different Conditions: An Engineering Basis For Bioethanol Production
(Elsevier Science BVAmsterdam, 2016)
Density And Rheology Of Acid Suspensions Of Peanut Waste In Different Conditions: An Engineering Basis For Bioethanol Production
Rheology of aqueous mullite-starch suspensions
(Elsevier, 2011-04-12)
One of the forming methods developed for the manufacture of porous materials by direct consolidation, in which a ceramic suspension consolidates into non-porous molds (e.g. metal molds) by thermogelation of an organic ...
Natural fiber suspensions in thermoplastic polymers. I. analysis of fiber damage during processing
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007-02)
The final properties of the composites materials are strongly dependent on the residual aspect ratio, orientation, and distribution of the fibers, which are determined by the processing conditions. Present work is a ...
Coagulation-flocculation of TiO2 in suspension used in heterogeneous photocatalysis
The coagulation-flocculation of TiO2 in aqueous suspensions of low and intermediate ionic strength was investigated as a function of pH, of addition of aluminum sulfate and of stirring the suspension. This process was ...
Construcción e implementación de un sistema de suspensión neumática inteligente en un vehículo tipo automovil Mazda 323.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2011-01-27)
A pneumatic intelligent suspension system has been implemented in a mazda-type 323 automobile vehicle. The objective of the project is substituting the conventional mechanical suspension of a vehicle ...