Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1005
An entropy-based technique for classifying bacterial chromosomes according to synonymous codon usage
(Springer, 2017)
We present a framework based on information theoretic concepts and the Dirichlet distribution for classifying chromosomes based on the degree to which they use synonymous codons uniformly or preferentially, that is, whether ...
Shannon entropy estimation in infinity-alphabets from convergence results: studying plug-in estimators
(MDPI, 2018-06)
This work addresses the problem of Shannon entropy estimation in countably infinite alphabets studying and adopting some recent convergence results of the entropy functional, which is known to be a discontinuous function ...
Generalized conditional entropy optimization for qudit-qubit states
(American Physical Society, 2014-10)
We derive a general approximate solution to the problem of minimizing the conditional entropy of a qudit-qubit system resulting from a local measurement on the qubit, which is valid for general entropic forms and becomes ...
Downstream-Conditioned Maximum Entropy Method for Exit Boundary Conditions in the Lattice Boltzmann Method
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015-08)
A method for modeling outflow boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) based on the maximization of the local entropy is presented. The maximization procedure is constrained by macroscopic values and ...
Boundary conditions and the residual entropy of ice systems
(American Physical Society, 2018-10)
In this work we address the classical statistical mechanical problem of calculating the residual entropy of ice models. The numerical work found in the literature is usually based on extrapolating to infinite-size results ...
On Convergence Properties of Shannon Entropy
Convergence properties of Shannon Entropy are studied. In the di erential setting, it is known
that weak convergence of probability measures (convergence in distribution) is not enough for convergence
of the associated ...
Direct entropy minimization applied to the production of propylene glycol
The optimization of the production of propylene glycol is based on direct entropy minimization subject to operational constraints. Entropy production model has been developed using mass, energy and entropy
balances. By ...