Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
La medicina tradicional como potencial turístico en las comunidades de Caguanapamba y Sisid, 2013-2014
The present thesis work compiles the investigation accomplished about the traditional medicine of the communities of Caguanapamba and Sisid, in order to demostrate the different medicinal practices offered to tourists in ...
Guía metodológica de aprendizaje de la lengua kichwa para los estudiantes de séptimo grado de EGB de la Unidad Educativa Sisid de la comunidad de Sisid, parroquia Ingapirca, provincia de Cañar
The current proposal was made to improve the learning process of Kichwa as a native language; it is based on the need of didactic resources which will serve to encourage the learning process and preserve the culture of ...
Posibilidades de implementación de agroturismo en la comunidad de Sisid de la parroquia Ingapirca, provincia de Cañar
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-04-26)
This research work deals with the agrotourism experiences in the province of Cañar, in order to determine the feasibility of implementing a Project in agrotourism in the Community of Sisid Anejo, which belongs to the parish ...