Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46477
Tipos de datos y Expresiones
Data types and expressions allow us to manipulations of information, in programming languages from different types of expressions.
The application of distributed virtual machines for enterprise computer management: A two-tier network file system for image provisioning and management
In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software ...
The application of distributed virtual machines for enterprise computer management: A two-tier network file system for image provisioning and management
In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software ...
Los Sistemas Operativos y sus procesos
An operating system (OS) is a resource manager, is the program or set of programs that make the management of the basic processes of a computer system, an allows the normal execution of the rest the operations.
The core ...
Aplicaciones de las gráficas por computadora
On Computers graphics there are several graphs uses, for example, to represent the behavior according the data provided and so make decisions, to make editable designs, create artworks representations, among others.
The ...
Mecanismos de Exclusión Mutua
This paper describes some of the main algorithms implemented by the operating system to guarantee mutual exclusion in synchronization process.
Estructuras de Datos y Árboles
The data structures defined the Organization and interrelation of data and operations available on them, for example the ordering of the elements belonging to the structure or the search in sequential or binary form.
The ...
Métodos de Ordenación Básicos
This presentation outlines the basic sorting methods: selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort. The approach, an example and an overview of the algorithm is presented for each one of them.
Microprocesadores (Fabricación de los microprocesadores)
This paper identifies some of the major manufacturers of chips used in microcomputer-besides the most relevant aspects of their construction are addressed: from the raw material used, the general conditions for manufacturing ...
Simulation of computational grids scheduling politics
Computational grids allow users to share resources of distributed machines, even if those machines belong to different corporations. The scheduling of applications must be performed aiming at performance goals, and focusing ...