Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2219
Bond tests and on-site structural concrete quality control
Quality control of structural concrete has been conducted for decades using the axial compression test. The Pull-Out Bond test is suggested here as an alternative to the axial compression test of concrete. Well known and ...
Experimental investigation on the use of steel-concrete bond tests for estimating axial compressive strength of concrete. Part 2: APULOT
(IBRACON - Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto, 2014-10)
The scope of this research investigates the feasibility to use steel-concrete bond tests for estimating the compressive strength of concrete to supplementary use it in the quality control of reinforced concrete. Lorrain ...
Experimental investigation on the use of steel-concrete bond tests for estimating axial compressive strength of concrete: part 1
(IBRACON - Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto, 2013-10)
This study analyzes the feasibility of using steel-concrete bond tests for determining the compressive strength of concrete in order to use it as a complement in the quality control of reinforced concrete. Lorrain and ...
A finite element approach for predicting the ultimate rotation capacity of RC beams
This paper presents a numerical approach to model the complex failure mechanisms that define the ultimate rotational capacity of reinforced concrete beams. The behavior in tension and compression is described by a constitutive ...
Brazilian results on structural masonry concrete blocks
The purpose of this paper is to study the mechanical behavior of concrete blocks and prisms when performing axial compression tests within the Brazilian base of knowledge, intending to foment data of this kind for a ...
Brazilian results on structural masonry concrete blocks
The purpose of this paper is to study the mechanical behavior of concrete blocks and prisms when performing axial compression tests within the Brazilian base of knowledge, intending to foment data of this kind for a ...
Prediction of modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of concrete specimens by means of artificial neural networks
(Univ Estadual Maringa, Pro-reitoria Pesquisa Pos-graduacao, 2016-01-01)
Currently, artificial neural networks are being widely used in various fields of science and engineering. Neural networks have the ability to learn through experience and existing examples, and then generate solutions and ...
On the compressive strength prediction for concrete masonry prisms
(SPRINGER, 2010)
The results of a combined experimental program and numerical modeling program to evaluate the behavior of ungrouted hollow concrete blocks prisms under uniaxial compression are addressed. In the numerical program, three ...
Study of alternative geometry of hollow self-compacting concrete masonry blocks
To evaluate the geometrical influence of new types of hollow concrete blocks, six different geometries were investigated using self-consolidating concrete to fabricate the blocks. The cell shapes studied were circular, ...
Ensaios de ondas ultrassônicas e redes neurais artificiais na avaliação da resistência à compressão do concreto
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2010-09-10)
Stripping of formworks in reinforced concrete structures can only be done when concrete is hardened enough to carry the loads without generating unacceptable deformations. These are two important demands from Brazilian ...