Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 99
Database with compression and bending tests on unbaked earth specimens and comparisons with international code provisions
In an effort to calibrate assessment methods of existing earth structures, a new database with compression and bending tests on unbaked earth specimens was assembled. The data-collection database includes 2670 tests with ...
Compressed earth blocks for rural housing in seismic zones using bagasse fibers from sugarcane
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022-01-01)
The low resistance to compression and flexural of conventional earth techniques such as adobe in the occurrence of earthquakes causes the immediate collapse or failure of structures built with this material. These deficiencies ...
The use of gypsum mining by-product and lime on the engineering properties of compressed earth blocks
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, 2014-12-15)
Disadvantages of compressed earth blocks are their poor mechanical properties and low resistance to water damage. Therefore, their use is vulnerable to deterioration and require care and maintenance, which depends on the ...
Investigación y formación para la evolución de las tradiciones. Los bloques perfilados para la autoconstrucción
En el marco de la tradición de técnicas de construcción en tierracruda, la investigación realizada en el Laboratorio de Materiales yComponentes de la ii Facultad de Arquitectura del Politécnico deTurín se ha propuesto ...
Adobe bricks reinforced with paper & pulp wastes improving thermal and mechanical properties
Soil-based building material has been used since ancient times but lately it has been mainly considered for restoration purposes of traditional architecture instead of an eco-friendly construction material for new buildings. ...
Influence of the addition of “synthetic termite saliva” in the compressive strength and water absorption of compacted soil-cement
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2016)
La arquitectura de tierra en Colombia, procesos y culturas constructivas
Este artículo integra los resultados de las investigacionesdirigidas por la autora en el Programa Arquitectura en Tierra dela Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con el fin de dar cuenta delos avances y tendencias de la ...
La arquitectura de tierra en Colombia, procesos y culturas constructivas
(Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho para el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano, 2018)