Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1194
Compressed Dynamic Range Majority Data Structures
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
In the range α-majority query problem, we preprocess a given sequence S[1.n] for a fixed threshold α ϵ (0, 1], such that given a query range [i.j], the symbols that occur more than α (j-i+1) times in S[i.j] can be reported ...
Practical compressed string dictionaries
(Elsevier, 2016)
The need to store and query a set of strings - a string dictionary - arises in many kinds of applications. While classically these string dictionaries have accounted for a small share of the total space budget (e.g., in ...
Database with compression and bending tests on unbaked earth specimens and comparisons with international code provisions
In an effort to calibrate assessment methods of existing earth structures, a new database with compression and bending tests on unbaked earth specimens was assembled. The data-collection database includes 2670 tests with ...
Compressed representations for web and social graphs
(Springer-Verlag, 2013)
Compressed representations have become effective to store and access largeWeb
and social graphs, in order to support various graph querying and mining tasks. The existing
representations exploit various typical patterns ...
Two-dimensional block trees
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)
The Block Tree (BT) is a novel compact data structure designed to compress sequence
collections. It obtains compression ratios close to Lempel-Ziv and supports efficient direct
access to any substring. The BT divides the ...
Efficient Fully-Compressed Sequence Representations
(Springer, 2012)
We present a data structure that stores a sequence s[1..n] over alphabet
[1..σ ] in nH0(s) + o(n)(H0(s)+1) bits, where H0(s) is the zero-order entropy
of s. This structure supports the queries access, rank and select, ...
Compressed Full-Text Indexes
Full-text indexes provide fast substring search over large text collections. A serious problem of these indexes
has traditionally been their space consumption. A recent trend is to develop indexes that exploit the ...
Relative Suffix Trees
(The British Computer Society, 2018-05)
Suffix trees are one of the most versatile data structures in stringology, with many applications in bioinformatics. Their main drawback is their size, which can be tens of times larger than the input sequence. Much effort ...