Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 343
Syntactic complexity: Modality or text type? A case study of 5th graders' textual production
Syntactic complexity has preferably been studied in written texts, thus relegating exploration of syntactic relations in different types of texts and their constitutive phases to second place. The case study herein presents ...
The complex clause in boruca
(Forma y Función, 2010)
This paper describes the complex clause in Boruca, a Chibchan language once spoken in the southern territories on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The present study concentrates on the behavior of complex clauses, following ...
Sintaxe das orações complexas em português: uma proposta de descrição e ensinoSyntax of complex clauses in Portuguese: a proposal of description and teaching
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2014)
Structural properties and discourse-pragmatic functions of adnominal and sentential english relative clauses in oral narratives produced by adult native speakers of british english
(Universidad de Chile, 2013)
To date, most of the existing standard grammatical descriptions of the English language have used
decontextualised written sentence tokens as their primary source of data. However, these standard
grammatical descriptions ...
Syntactic Complexity in Narratives Written by Spanish Heritage Speakers
(Universidad de Vigo, 2017-01)
Este estudio se centra en el análisis de la complejidad sintáctica (CS) en narrativas escritas por niños que hablan español como lengua de herencia (LH). Para el análisis, se consideraron medidas tradicionales de CS: unidad ...
A complexidade das cláusulas relativas na fala espontânea do português do Brasil: Os dados do C-Oral Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-05-05)
Clausal relativization is a semantic-syntactic strategy that allows for natural languages to restrict/delimit a reference. In most natural languages, a relative clause exhibits a formal correlate. This is the case of ...
Sintaxe das orações complexas em português: uma proposta de descrição e ensino
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2013)
In this paper, motivated by problems related to grammar teaching, we propose a description of some noun subordinate clauses from an interdiscursive perspective. Based on the principles of the Functional Discourse Grammar ...
Percurso diacrônico de completivas introduzidas por 'como' no português
As a more extensive issue, this paper deals with the polysemy attested in all Romance languages between interrogative pronouns and subordination markers in complex sentences. It investigates, specifically, the behavior of ...