Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 697
A Kalman-filtering-based Approach for Improving Terrain Mapping in off-road Autonomous Vehicles
(Springer, 2015)
The generation of accurate terrain maps while navigating over off-road, irregular terrains is a complex challenge, due to the difficulties in the estimation of the pose of the laser rangefinders, which is required for the ...
Spatial estimation of daily precipitation in regions with complex relief and scarce data using terrain orientation
Precipitation is the most relevant variable in the hydrological cycle which drives continental hydrologic processes. Its spatial occurrence and behavior are complex and its daily estimation is hard in poorly gauged regions ...
Forecasting urban pm10 and pm2.5 pollution episodes in very stable nocturnal conditions and complex terrain using wrf-chem co tracer model
Fine-scale climate variability in a complex terrain basin using a high-resolution weather station network in southeastern Brazil
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019-01-01)
Montane climates are shaped by high spatial variability that depends on net radiation and synoptic weather, and much on elevation and topographic features of terrain. We measured near-ground meteorological variables using ...
Numerical Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion in Streets and Terrain with Complex GeometryModelación Numérica de la Dispersión de Contaminantes en Calles y Terrenos de Geometría Compleja
A numerical model is developed for the dispersion of pollutant substances released into the atmosphere at zones of small dimensions characterized by terrain with complex geometrical configuration. The model is based on the ...
Assessment of satellite-based rainfall products using a x-band rain radar network in the complex terrain of the ecuadorian andes
Ground based rainfall information is hardly available in most high mountain areas ofthe world due to the remoteness and complex topography. Thus, proper understanding of spatio-temporal rainfall dynamics still remains a ...