Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 155
Bertrand, Cournot and monopolistically competitive equilibria
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 1999-08)
Using an example, we study the analogs, for the differentiated product case, of the Cournot and Bertrand equilibria. These equilibria can be shown to exist and be uni que if we impose a sim pie and natural restriction on ...
Equilibria in reflexive banach lattices with a continuum of agents
(Springer-Verlag, 2004-10)
We consider exchange economies with a measure space of agents and for which the commodity space is a separable and reflexive Banach lattice. Under assumptions imposing uniform bounds on marginal rates of substitution, ...
Three principles of competitive nonlinear pricing
(Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2002-03-01)
We make three contributions to the theory of contracting under asymmetric information. First, we establish a competitive analog to the revelation principIe which we call the implementation principIe. This principIe provides ...
Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibria without divisible goods
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
This paper investigates the limit properties of a sequence of competitive outcomes existing for economies where all commodities are indivisible, as indivisibility vanishes. The nature of this limit depends on whether the ...
On Cooperative Solutions of a Generalized Assignment Game: Limit Theorems to the Set of Competitive Equilibria
(Elsevier, 2014-10-03)
We study two cooperative solutions of a market with indivisible goods modeled as a generalized assignment game: Set-wise stability and Core. We establish that the Set-wise stable set is contained in the Core and contains ...
Multiple Equilibria in Oligopolistic Power Markets with Feed-in Tariff Incentives for Renewable Energy Generation
(IEEE, 2015)
Different policies have been implemented to incentivize the development of renewable energy generation. One of these policies is the feed-in tariff mechanism. When evaluating this policy, the typical approach is to look ...
General equilibrium with endogenous securities and moral hazard
(Springer, 2005-07)
This paper studies a class of general equilibrium economies in which the individuals' endowments depend on privately observed effort choices and the financial markets are endogenous. The environment is modeled as a two-stage ...
The Multiple-partners assignment game with heterogeneous sells and multi-unit demands: competitive equilibria
(Springer Heidelberg, 2012-06)
A multiple-partners assignment game with heterogeneous sales and multi-unit demands consists of a set of sellers that own a given number of indivisible units of potentially many different goods and a set of buyers who value ...
Alternative Dynamics and Stability Results in a Standard OLG Model: An Interpretation
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C., 2004)