Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3256
Blame it on the states: a comparative analysis of the American and the European State action doctrines
Este artigo discute a relação entre regulação pública da economia e aplicação do direito antitruste, comparando as "State Action Doctrine" vigentes na União Européia e nos Estados Unidos.
Judicial review of executive policymaking in advanced democracies: beyond rights review
The legitimacy of modern states depends on the ability of democratic institutions to reflect citizens’ preferences and values and on the state’s ability to use technical expertise competently. Legitimacy has a three-fold ...
Los servicios públicos en la legislación actual
(Universidad de Costa Rica - Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Costa Rica, 2014)
La dynamique de la déférence: création et évolution des modèles auto-restrictives de contrôle juridictionnel dans le droit comparé
Cet article examine la création et l’évolution des modèles déférentiels de contrôle dans quatre systèmes juridiques (France, Italie, Etats-Unis et Canada). Cette perspective historique servira à démontrer (i) que la position ...
Forestry management and water law: comparing Ecuador and Arizona
Forestry management has enormous implications for water supplies and quality. Deforestation can impair water quality through increased pollution runoff. Invasive species in forests can decrease water quantity. Despite this ...
Las pruebas de daño e interés público en materia de acceso a la información: una perspectiva comparada
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Estudios Jurídicos, 2016)
Planned obsolescence : a non-restrictable industrial practice? answers from constitutional law, compared law and abuse of the law
(Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2018., 2018-11)
The main purpose of this research is to approach the study of the planned obsolescence from the sight of constitutional law, as a concept that in law has two sides (faces); on one hand the planned obsolescence favours the ...
Scaling behavior of public procurement activity
Public procurement refers to the purchase by public sector entities—such as government departments or local authorities—of Services, Goods, or Works. It accounts for a significant share of OECD countries’ expenditures. ...
Institutonal Changes in the Public Prosecutor's Office. The Cases of Mexico, Chile and Brazil
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2017)