Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5919
Théorie des Cadres Relationnels (R.F.T.) et Thérapie par l'Acceptation et l'Engagement (A.C.T.): couturiers de l'empereur ou chevaliers du Graal?Relational frame theory (R.F.T) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A.C.T.) Emperor ´s Tailors or Knights of the Holy Grail? Relational Frame Theory (Hayes, Barnes-Holmes
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2009)
Relational frame theory (R.F.T) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A.C.T.) Emperor ´s Tailors or Knights of the Holy Grail? Relational Frame Theory (Hayes, Barnes-HolmesThéorie des Cadres Relationnels (R.F.T.) et Thérapie par l'Acceptation et l'Engagement (A.C.T.): couturiers de l'empereur ou chevaliers du Graal?
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2009)
Neurotrophins acting via trkb receptors activate thejagged1-notch2 cell-cell communication pathway tofacilitate early ovarian development
Analysis of Communicational Design and Information on University Websites
(Springer, 2018-01-01)
The Universities' websites get each day more importance by acting as a communication channel that offers the most different information, reaching users in large scale. Websites are usually the first contact with the ...
New communication strategies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic: reflections on the public role of organizational communication
(Univ Malaga, Inst Investigacion Relaciones Publicas, 2021-01-01)
The Covid-19 pandemic impacted many social spheres and demanded immediate transformations in society. Organizations needed to reinvent themselves quickly in several aspects, such as their internal practices, as well as in ...