Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 260
Colonización y crecimiento : un análisis comparativo entre Argentina, Australia y Canadá
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2017)
Antes do Oeste Catarinense: aspectos da vida econômica e social de uma regiãoBefore the West of Santa Catarina: aspects of an economic and social life of a region
(Associação Nacional de História – Seção SC, 2016)
Impacto socioeconómico de un proyecto de inversión pública. Caso parque Colón, Machala.
People's quality of life is influenced by many aspects that happen in society and in Ecuador after the Constitution of 2008 creates new legal scenarios, therefore the central government obliges governments decentralized ...
À sombra do sucesso: dinâmica social numa colônia alemã no sul do Brasil (Colônia do Pinhal - Itaara/RS, 1857-1894)
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilHistóriaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2018-08-03)
The present research aims to understand the process of german colonization of the Pinhal
Colony, a particular private colony, in the province of Rio Grande do Sul in the 19th century, the
current county of Itaara, RS. ...
Cotidiano e trabalho: experiências negras e escravas em Taquara (1856 – 1888)
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilHistóriaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2019-12-06)
The present thesis inscribed in the Frontier, Political and Society Research line, has as its theme "Daily and Labor: Black and Slave Experiences in Taquara (1856-1888)", the following is about the participation and presence ...
A imaginação utópica como crítica social: a utopia de Thomas More na colonização da América Espanhola no século XVI
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-11-20)
This work seeks to analyze elements of the philosophical and theoretical reflection of the political thought of the sixteenth century, especially in relation to the problems raised by the arrival of the Europeans in America. ...
A imaginação utópica como crítica social: a utopia de Thomas More na colonização da América Espanhola no século XVI
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-11-20)
This work seeks to analyze elements of the philosophical and theoretical reflection of the political thought of the sixteenth century, especially in relation to the problems raised by the arrival of the Europeans in America. ...
Colonization and education in the Portuguese Amazon (1500-1757)Colonização e educação na Amazônia portuguesa (1500-1757)
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2020)
Alexandra Colony: Resilience in the North of the province of Santa Fe (1866-1904), ArgentinaAlexandra Colony: Resiliencia en el norte de la Provincia de Santa Fe (1866-1904), Argentina
(Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 2016-07)
In this article the theoretical aspects are developed from a historic-anthropological perspective, which anticipates a frontier space with a differentiated economic, social and cultural structure, where they operate the ...