Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 753
Optimising the insertion of renewables in the Colombian power sector
While most of Colombia's power comes from large-scale hydroelectricity generation, it still depends on
fossil-fuel-based technologies. Alternative cleaner energy sources have been largely neglected despite
their abundance ...
Risk, concentration and market power in the banking industry : evidence from the Colombian System (1997-2006)
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2007)
This paper examines the relationship between risk, concentration and the exercise of market power by banking institutions. We use monthly balance-sheet and interest rate data for the Colombian banking system from 1997 to ...
Ventaja comparativa del sector floricultor colombiano que promueva su presencia y le permita fortalecerse en el marco del TLC con corea del sur
The floriculture activity in Colombia has been characterized for being one of the most competitive, due to the advantages with which it counts for the production, the weather and topography, given the floriculture the ...
Estudio de caracterización ocupacional de la cadena del sector eléctrico
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Dirección General, 2017)
Performance evaluation of external fired hybrid solar gas-turbine power plant in Colombia using energy and exergy methods
(Reino Unido, 2020-12-01)
Hydro and thermal generation power systems dominate the Colombian electricity sector. In 2017, Colombia installed electrical generation capacity was 16.8 GW. Renewable energy sources represent at least 85% of the total ...
Performance evaluation of external fired hybrid solar gas-turbine power plant in Colombia using energy and exergy methods
(Reino Unido, 2020-12-01)
Hydro and thermal generation power systems dominate the Colombian electricity sector. In 2017, Colombia installed electrical generation capacity was 16.8 GW. Renewable energy sources represent at least 85% of the total ...
Caractérisation et pronostic du prix spot de l’énergie électrique en ColombieCaracterización y pronóstico del precio spot de la energía eléctrica en Colombia
La historia del sector eléctrico en Colombia y su planeación ha estado marcada por varios hitos, que han producido cambios en los paradigmas sobre la organización y la función del Estado frente a la prestación del servicio ...
Caractérisation et pronostic du prix spot de l’énergie électrique en ColombieCaracterización y pronóstico del precio spot de la energía eléctrica en Colombia
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018)