Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105
Discoveries in indigenous territories: two new species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in Southwestern Colombia
(Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica, 2020)
Steeply dipping basement faults and associated structures of the santander massif, eastern cordillera, colombian andes
(Departamento de Geociencias, 1993)
The Santander Massif is a broad basement uplift, limited on both flanks by two major reverse faults. More internal faults, however, though very steeply dipping, are normal faults and limit sedimentary half· grabens. Much ...
A new approach on the tectonometamorphic mechanisms associated with p–t paths of the barrovian-type silgará formation at the central santander massif, colombian andes
Metamorphic pressure and temperature trajectories are generally used as tools to interpret the tectonic history ofdeformed belts of rocks that record past activity along active plate margins. The pre-Devonian metamorphic ...
Geological mapping of intrusive rocks: a case study in the Garzón region, the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian AndesMapeamento geológico de rochas ígneas: Um estudo de caso na região de Garzón, Cordilheira Oriental dos Andes Colombianos
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2020)
Petrogenesis of the metacarbonate and related rocks of the silgará formation, central santander massif, colombian andes: an overview of a “reaction calcic exoscarn”
Metacarbonate rocks (pure and impure marbles, carbonate-silicate rocks, calc-silicate rocks and carbonate-bearing silicate rocks) form a very complex group within the metamorphic sequence of the Silgará Formation at the ...
Contribución a la paleogeografía del Devónico-Carbonífero de la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes Colombianos : una comparación de la mineralogía cuantitativa de las coberteras sedimentarias paleozoicas de los macizos de Quetame y Floresta
(Universidad EAFITGeologíaEscuela de Ciencias. Departamento de GeologíaMedellín, 2021)
This work presents new mineralogical and geochemical data of the Precambrian basements and the Paleozoic sedimentary coverts of the Quetame and Floresta massifs in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The ...
Petrologic significance of Fe-rich staurolite in pelitic schists of the Silgará Formation, Santander Massif
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Geociencia, 2016-01-01)
Medium grade metapelites of the Silgará Formation at the Santander Massif (Colombian Andes) have been affected by a medium-pressure/high-temperature Barrovian type of metamorphism, developing a sequence of metamorphic zones ...
A new interpretation for the garnet zoning in metapelitic rocks of the silgará formation, southwestern santander massif, colombia
A Barrovian sequence of the Silgará Formation at the southwestern Santander Massif, Colombian Andes, contains zoned garnets in which major and trace element zoning correlates with distribution of mineral inclusions, which ...