Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Caribbean Report 08-07-1996
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1996-07-08)
Caribbean Report 03-02-1995
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1995-02-03)
In this report, both the US President Bill Clinton and Haitian Prime Minister Smarck Michel have been lobbying for continued aid to Haiti. In Bermuda, the government published a green paper about whether the British colony ...
Caribbean Report 12-10-1995
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1995-10-12)
In this report the European Commission has approved changes to the controversial EU banana regime. These proposals are additional modifications to soften the criticisms against the regime. In the US, Federal and other ...
OP25 - Ifill, Max
Max Beverly Ifill, an economist by profession, has had an interesting career in the teaching and civil service. He has also been a spokesman on social and political affairs in Trinidad and Tobago.
Poéticas del Caribe anglófono: polifonías, territorios y resistencias
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias Humanas - Maestría en Estudios LiterariosDepartamento de LiteraturaFacultad de Ciencias HumanasBogotá, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2021)
Esta tesis de investigación de la Maestría en Estudios Literarios busca analizar-reflexionar sobre la configuración, la tensión y el desplazamiento de las poéticas del Caribe anglófono manifestadas en sus polifonías, sus ...