Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 294
A collocation method for solving singular integro-differential equations
(SPRINGER, 2010)
This paper describes a collocation method for numerically solving Cauchy-type linear singular integro-differential equations. The numerical method is based on the transformation of the integro-differential equation into ...
A collocation meshless method based in local optimal point interpolation
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003-03)
This paper deals with the use of the local optimal point interpolating (LOPI) formula in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with a collocation method. LOPI is an interpolating formula constructed by localization ...
Receptive and productive collocational knowledge of post-intermediate and advanced University Learners of English
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)
Recent studies of receptive or productive collocation knowledge in learners of English as a second/foreign language focused on both types of collocational knowledge. Following this aim, this cross-sectional study focuses ...
Automatic Extraction of Lexical Functions
Lexical function is a concept which formalizes semantic and syntactic relations between lexical
units. Relations between words are a vital part of any natural language system. Meaning of an
individual word largely depends ...
Enriched isogeometric collocation for two-dimensional time-harmonic acoustics
(Elsevier, 2020)
In this work, the isogeometric collocation (IGA-C) is paired with two types of enrichment: Plane Wave (PW-) and Generalized Harmonic Polynomial (GHP-) functions, to solve 2D-problems for the Helmholtz equation. A parametric ...
On the stability analysis of the PISO algorithm on collocated grids
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-04)
A Fourier stability analysis is performed on the standard PISO algorithm for collocated grids. The amplification matrices of the sequence are obtained for one-dimensional and two-dimensional incompressible flow problems ...
Supervised Learning Algorithms Evaluation on Recognizing
(Computación y Sistemas, 2012-08-31)
Abstract. The meaning of such verb-noun collocations as the wind blows, time flies, the day passes by can be generalized as ‘what is designated by the noun exists’. Likewise, the meaning of make a decision, provide support, ...
Jogada de letra: um estudo sobre colocações à luz da semântica de frames
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015-03-30)
The present thesis aims at the discussion of the relation that exists between the linguistic phenomenon of collocations and the concepts of Frame Semantics theory (FILLMORE, 1982; 1985). The study has arisen in the context ...
Jogada de letra: um estudo sobre colocações à luz da semântica de frames
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015-03-30)
The present thesis aims at the discussion of the relation that exists between the linguistic phenomenon of collocations and the concepts of Frame Semantics theory (FILLMORE, 1982; 1985). The study has arisen in the context ...