Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 394
Dogs are the main species involved in animalvehicle collisions in southern Spain: Daily, seasonal and spatial analyses of collisions
(Public Library of Science, 2018-09)
Animal-vehicle collisions have become a serious traffic safety issue. Collisions have steadily increased over the last few decades, as have their associated socio-economic costs. Here, we explore the spatial and temporal ...
Oscillatory Patterns In Angular Differential Ion-Atom Charge Exchange Cross Sections: The Role Of Electron Saddle Swaps
(American Institute of Physics, 2013-04-19)
In this work, we have performed an experimental/theoretical study of state selective charge exchange cross sections in 1-10 keV/amu Ne8+ +Na(3s) collisions. Theoretical calculations provided by the classical trajectory ...
Transpressional tectonics and strain partitioning during oblique collision between three plates in the Precambrian of southeast Brazil
This paper is part of the special publication Continental transpressional and transtensional tectonics (eds R.E. Holdsworth, R.A. Strachan and J.F. Dewey). Two orogenic belts have been recognized in south- east Brazil, ...
Do roadkill aggregations of wild and domestic mammals overlap?
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)
Seismic ridge subduction and topography: Foreland deformation in the Patagonian Andes
(Elsevier Science, 2005-04)
The Patagonian Andes recorded several episodes of active ridge subduction in the last 80 million years. An analysis of the spatial and temporal relation between the present segment of collision of the Chile ridge and the ...
Magnitude, composition and spatiotemporal patterns of vertebrate roadkill at regional scales: a study in southern SpainMagnitud, composición y patrones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las carreteras a escala regional
(Museu de Ciències Naturals, 2018-08)
Although roadkill studies on a large scale are challenging, they can provide valuable information to assess the impact of road traffic on animal populations. Over 22 months (between July 2009–June 2010, and April 2011–March ...
Seasonal and spatial patterns of mammalian road kill in northeastern Cordoba Province, Argentina
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-11)
Wildlife–vehicle collisions are a serious conservation issue. In Argentina, wildlife road kill represents a threat to numerous species, especially around protected areas. With the aim of analyzing a possible seasonal and ...