Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Spatial and temporal progression of internal erosion in cohesionless soil
Permeameter tests were performed on four widely graded cohesionless soils, to study their susceptibility to internal erosion. Test specimens were reconstituted as a saturated slurry, consolidated, and then subjected to ...
A hydromechanical relation governing internal stability of cohesionless soil
Results are presented from permeameter tests involving unidirectional seepage flow through reconstituted specimens of four widely graded cohesionless soils. The onset of instability is defined by a significant decrease in ...
Seismic earth pressures on retaining structures and basement walls in cohesionless soils
(African Society of Civil Engineering, 2016)
Observations of the performance of basement walls and retaining structures in recent earthquakes show that failures of basement or deep-excavation walls in earthquakes are rare even if the structures were not designed for ...
Seismic earth pressures on retaining structures and basement walls in cohesionless soils
(African Society of Civil Engineering, 2016)
Observations of the performance of basement walls and retaining structures in recent earthquakes show that failures of basement or deep-excavation walls in earthquakes are rare even if the structures were not designed for ...
Evaluación del Potencial de Licuefacción en Suelos
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2008)
The phenomenon of liquefaction is one of the most important, interesting and controversial subjects in the earthquake geotechnical engineering. Its devastating effects attracted the worldwide attention of the geotechnical ...
Hydromechanical model for internal erosion and its relationship with the stress transmitted by the finer soil fraction
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015)
We present a theoretical model to determine the hydromechanical boundary of an internally unstable soil subject to vertical seepage. The model is based in momentum balance equations, which consider that the system is divided ...
Design load of rigid footings on sand
Experimental evidence has shown that most current methods are not able to predict design loads of footings on cohesionless soil with an acceptable degree of accuracy. In the present study, a simple and realistic settlement-based ...
Modelación numérica de pilotes sometidos a carga lateral pseudo-estática utilizando el programa Midas GTS NX
In this academic paper, the numerical modeling
of piles that are subjected to pseudo-static lateral
load was carried out using the MIDAS GTS NX
software package. For the respective modeling a
series of lateral load ...
Analysis of the radial and tangential soil pressure on pipes installed by the pipe jacking method in the Aburrá Valley
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en IngenieríaEscuela de IngenieríaMedellín, 2019)
In the pipe jacking design, it is required the estimation of radial and tangential pressures exerted by soil on pipes, to determine the jacking forces that need to be achieve to overcome the frictional resistance during ...