Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Harnessing machine learning for fiber-induced nonlinearity mitigation in long-haul coherent optical OFDM
Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has attracted a lot of interest in optical fiber communications due to its simplified digital signal processing (DSP) units, high spectral-efficiency, ...
Análise de desempenho de um sistema de comunicação óptica que utiliza o método OFDM com detecção coerentePerformance Analysis of an Optical Communication System Using the Coherent Detection OFDM Method
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia de Eletrônica e Telecomunicações, 2019)
Optimization of OFDM parameters for 10-Gbps long reach coherent PONs
Coherent passive optical networks (PONs) employing orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM) have emerged as a promising candidate for the implementation of future long-reach high-capacity optical access infrastructure. ...
Nonlinear equalizer for coherent OFDM optical systems
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2020-06-15)
Given the exponential increase of data rates demand in the recent years, optical communications offers an attractive solution due to several advantages when compared with wireless
communications, some of them are unlimited ...
Comparison Of Dsp-based Nonlinear Equalizers For Intra-channel Nonlinearity Compensation In Coherent Optical Ofdm