Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 366
Weak signal enhancement by nonlinear resonance control in a forced nano-electromechanical resonator
(Nature, 2020)
Driven non-linear resonators can display sharp resonances or even multistable behaviours amenable to induce strong enhancements of weak signals. Such enhancements can make use of the phenomenon of vibrational resonance, ...
Coherent atomic oscillations and resonances between coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent trapping potential
The atomic tunneling between two tunnel-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a double-well time-dependent trap was studied. For the slowly varying trap, synchronization of oscillations of the trap with oscillations ...
Coherent atomic oscillations and resonances between coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent trapping potential
The atomic tunneling between two tunnel-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in a double-well time-dependent trap was studied. For the slowly varying trap, synchronization of oscillations of the trap with oscillations ...
Collective stochastic coherence and synchronizability in weighted scale-free networks
(Iop Publishing, 2014-01)
Coupling frequently enhances noise-induced coherence and synchronization in interacting nonlinear systems, but it does so separately. In principle collective stochastic coherence and synchronizability are incompatible ...
Suppression and coherent control of free-induction-decay emission in multilevel systems
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2006)
Coherent control of ultrahigh-frequency acoustic resonances in photonic crystal fibers
(Amer Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2008)
An excitable electronic circuit as a sensory neuron model
(World Scientific, 2012-10)
An electronic circuit device, inspired on the FitzHughNagumo model of neuronal excitability, was constructed and shown to operate with characteristics compatible with those of biological sensory neurons. The nonlinear ...
Coherent Multiphoton Control of Gallium Phosphide Nanodisk Resonances
(American Chemical Society, 2019-10)
High-index dielectric nanoantennas have recently emerged as promising alternatives to plasmonic nanoantennas for concentrating and manipulating light at the nanoscale. For example, gallium phosphide (GaP) nanoantennas ...