Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 442
The Rise of Cohabitation in the Southern Cone
(Springer, 2016)
This chapter analyses the increase in cohabitation in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) and attempts to determine the extent to which consensual unions and marriages have similar traits or differ in the ...
La mujer maltratada: En relación de convivencia.
(Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, info)
Risk Factors of Violence against Women in Peru
(Springer New York LLC, 2017)
Based on the results of previous investigations, this study seeks for individual, relationship and community characteristics among women living with their partner associated with intimate partner violence [IPV] victimization. ...
The promotion of ethical coexistence and the prevention of violence in school: considerations about teacher education
(Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2022-06-01)
This investigation objective was to describe and analyze the perceptions of Sao Paulo state management teams and teachers about a proposal for continuing education that integrates a school coexistence program framing. 92 ...
A view from Family Law and Inheritance Law, concerning the right of residence of the surviving spouse or survivor is the case of the cohabitationUna mirada desde el Derecho de Familia y Sucesorio, a propósito del derecho de habitación del cónyuge supérstite o si fuere el caso del sobreviviente de la unión de hecho
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015)
Una mirada desde el Derecho de Familia y Sucesorio, a propósito del derecho de habitación del cónyuge supérstite o si fuere el caso del sobreviviente de la unión de hechoA view from Family Law and Inheritance Law, concerning the right of residence of the surviving spouse or survivor is the case of the cohabitation
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2018)
Mecanismos de sincronia social no ritmo circadiano de atividade durante a coabitação em casais de saguis (Callithrix jacchus)
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM PSICOBIOLOGIA, 2015-06-08)
In marmosets, it was observed that the synchrony among circadian activity profiles of animals
that cohabite in family groups is stronger than those of the same sex and age of different
families. Inside the group, it is ...
La urgencia de volver a cohabitar / The urgency of cohabiting again
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Diseño, 2021)
Throughout history, we have learned to live with water, understand its cycles and enjoy its diverse and productive ecosystems. Catalina Billeke, communications and community coordinator of Patagua, advocates for a broader ...
El surgimiento de la sociedad de hecho entre concubinos en colombia, un estudio desde una hermenéutica de la sospechaEl surgimiento de la sociedad de hecho entre concubinos en colombia, un estudio desde una hermenéutica de la sospecha
(Universidad de Costa Rica - Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Costa Rica, 2016)
Vigencia de la unión de hecho propia establecida desde la sentencia de divorcio: casación n°1189-2018-Lima
(Universidad Científica del PerúPE, 2023-09-28)
La presente investigación viene motivada por el análisis del caso expuesto y
resuelto en la Casación N°1189-2018-Lima, emitida por la Sala Civil Permanente
de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República, respecto a la ...