Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 147
Non-investment in information systems: A cognitive dissonance case study
(Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2015)
Owing to the complex nature information system investment decisions, the present study presents an interpretative framework for addressing the postponement of decisions to invest in this kind of technology. An instrumental ...
Relationship between Brand Personality and cognitive dissonance
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
A structural model of emotions of cognitive dissonances
Cognitive dissonance is the stress that comes from holding two conflicting thoughts simultaneously in the mind, usually arising when people are asked to choose between two detrimental or two beneficial options. In view of ...
The cognitive dissonance as a motivating factor in consumer decisions : smartphones caseDisonancia cognitiva en el proceso de compra: caso smartphone.
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2016)
The cognitive dissonance as a motivating factor in consumer decisions : smartphones caseDisonancia cognitiva en el proceso de compra: caso smartphone.
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2016)
The occurrence of cognitive-dissonance and psychological reactance in decision-making situations
(Interamer Soc Psychol Univ California, 1982-01-01)
The occurrence of cognitive-dissonance and psychological reactance in decision-making situations
(Interamer Soc Psychol Univ California, 1982-01-01)
Hipoglicemia recurrente como causa reversible de síndrome demencial en adultos mayores diabéticos, a propósito de un caso
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2010)