Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 341
Incidence and severity of coffee leaf rust, cercosploimriao, as.I es. de et al. and coffee leaf miner in coffee progeniesIncidência e severidade de ferrugem, cercosporiose e bicho mineiro em progênies de café
Coffee leaf rust is the main disease of this crop, however cercosporiosis and coffee leaf miner can also cause significant damage when they reach high levels of infestation. Plant genetic improvement for resistance is one ...
Diversidade genética e seleção de progênies de cafeeiros do grupo “Big Coffee VL”Genetic diversity and coffee progenies selection from “Big Coffee VL” group
(Universidade Federal de LavrasPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia/FitotecniaUFLAbrasilDepartamento de Agricultura, 2017)
Cultivar de café resistente à ferrugem: Oeiras - MG 6851
(Revista Ceres, 2018)
Adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de progênies F4 de Coffea arabica L.
The search for new genotypes with broad stability and adaptability, allied to good agronomic traits has been the main focus of coffee breeding programs in Brazil. With this work, we aimed at selecting C. arabica progenies, ...
Selection of coffee progênies for resistance to leaf rust andr favorable agronomic traitsSeleção de progênies de cafeeiro visando características agronômicas favoráveis
The objective of this study was to select coffee progenies with better assessment that can result in coffee rust resistant cultivars and better agronomic characteristics than the traditional ones. The essay was performed ...