Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 374
Finite-dimensional non-associative algebras and codimension growth
Let A be a (non-necessarily associative) finite-dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A quantitative estimate of the polynomial identities satisfied by A is achieved through the study of the asymptotics ...
Codimension reduction in symmetric spaces
(Elsevier Science, 2014-05)
In this paper we give a short geometric proof of a generalization of a well-known result about reduction of codimension for submanifolds of Riemannian symmetric spaces
Graded identities for the algebra of n x n upper triangular matrices over an infinite field
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LtdSingaporeSingapura, 2003)
Existencia de integrales primeras holomorfas para foliaciones de codimensión mayor a dos
(Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, 2015)
En esta investigación estudiamos la existencia de integrales primeras convergentes para foliaciones de codimensión mayor a dos, extendiendo el resultado formal del Teorema de Frobenius singular formal con la construcción ...
Codimension 2 and 3 in a ring cavity with eliptically polarized electromagnetic waves
(Elsevier, 2013-09)
We study pattern formation on the plane transverse to propagation direction, in a ring cavity filled with a Kerr-like medium, subject to an elliptically polarized incoming field, by means of two coupled Lugiato–Lefever ...
On codimensions k immersions of m-manifolds for k = m - 3, k = m - 5 and k = m - 6
Let us consider M be a closed smooth connected m-manifold, N be a smooth n-manifold and f: M → N be a continuousmapwith codimension k = n - m > 0. In this paper, under certain conditions, we prove that f is homotopic to ...
Aproximación fractal para semivariogramas freáticosAproximación fractal para semivariogramas freáticos
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2002)
Singularidades presimples y simples de foliaciones de codimensión unoSingularidades presimples y simples de foliaciones de codimensión uno
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)