Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 63
Application of horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor for bioremediation of acid mine drainage
The production of low-pH effluent with sulfate and metals is one of the biggest environmental concerns in the mining industry. The biological process for sulfate reduction has the potential to become a low-cost solution ...
Application of molecular techniques to evaluate the methanogenic archaea and anaerobic bacteria in the presence of oxygen with different COD : sulfate ratios in a UASB reactor
In this paper, the microbial characteristics of the granular sludge in the presence of oxygen (3.0 +/- 0.7 mg O-2 1(-1)) were analyzed using molecular biology techniques. The granules were provided by an upflow anaerobic ...
Temperature and feed strategy effects on sulfate and organic matter removal in an AnSBB
The objective of this work was to analyze the interaction effects between temperature, feed strategy and COD/[SO(4)(2-)] levels, maintaining the same ratio, on sulfate and organic matter removal efficiency from a synthetic ...
Aplicación del reactivo fenton para la remoción de DQO del lixiviado de un depósito de seguridad a escala laboratorio
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La MolinaPE, 2016)
El reactivo Fenton ofrece una muy buena alternativa para el tratamiento de efluentes con carga orgánica elevada y aunque tiene fama de ser un tratamiento costoso, para el sistema en el que fue aplicado, resulta ser económico ...
Combination of an anaerobic process with O(3), UV and O(3)/UV for cellulose pulp bleaching effluent treatment
Recent studies have shown that partial oxidation by advanced oxidation processes (AOP) is able to transform hard-to-degrade compounds and increase their biodegradability. In this work, anaerobic treatment was followed by ...
Aplicación del reactivo fenton para la remoción de DQO del lixiviado de un depósito de seguridad a escala laboratorio
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2018)
Effect of organic matter fractions on the performance of a pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment systemInfluencia de las fracciones de materia orgánica sobre el desempeño de un sistema de tratamiento de agua residual de una industria papelera
(Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A, 2012)
Interferência do sulfato sobre o tratamento de efluente têxtil sintético em reatores UASB e compartimentado de leito fixo
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Engenharia Civil, 2018)