Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13
A new late Cenozoic species of Abertella (Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida) from Patagonia
(Magnolia Press, 2013-01)
A new species of abertellid sand dollar, Abertella miskellyi n. sp., is described from the Miocene Camarones Formation of Patagonia, southern Argentina. The new taxon corroborates the existence of the genus in South America, ...
A new South American Miocene species of 'one-holed' sand dollar (Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida: Monophorasteridae)
(Magnolia Press, 2016-12)
A new species of monophorasterid sand dollar, Monophoraster telfordi n. sp., is described from the Early Miocene basal horizons of the Chenque Formation of Patagonia, Santa Cruz Province, in southern Argentina. The new ...
Pequeños Clypeasteroideos de la formación Echynocyamus de la cuenca Talara (Eoceno inferior), noroeste peruano : Fibularia sp., y sus aplicaciones paleoambientales
(Instituto Geológico, Minero y MetalúrgicoPE, 2013)
El hallazgo de equinoideos fósiles en el Perú se remonta a la colección de Bassler (1966), en la cual se identificaron especies de los órdenes SPATANGOIDA Claus, 1876, CIDAROIDA Claus, 1880 y CLYPEASTEROIDA A. Agassiz, ...
Phylogenetic systematics of Tertiary monophorasterid sand dollars (Clypeasteroida: Echinoidea) from South America
(Paleontological Society, 2000-10)
Sand dollars in the Monophorasteridae Lahille, 1896, form an important part of the South American Cenozoic echinoid fauna. Re-examination of type and other material adds significantly to our knowledge of the morphology and ...
Embryonic, Larval, and Juvenile Development of the Sea Biscuit Clypeaster subdepressus (Echinodermata: Clypeasteroida)
Sea biscuits and sand dollars diverged from other irregular echinoids approximately 55 million years ago and rapidly dispersed to oceans worldwide. A series of morphological changes were associated with the occupation of ...
Morfología y crecimiento relativo en Clypeaster europacificus (Clypeasteroida: Clypeasteridae) del Golfo de California
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)