Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36
The emergence of clientelistic Networks in Latin America: a theoretical perspective.
Clientelistic networks have been a regular research topic in Latin American scholarship, particularly over the last three decades. This research has comprehensively addressed their functioning and consequences for democracy. ...
El clientelismo político como mecanismo de intermediación. El caso de Rionegro, 2000-2011
(UNABInstituto de Estudios Políticos IEP, 2020)
La emergencia de redes clientelares en América Latina : una perspectiva teórica
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Antropología, 2016)
Resumen: Las redes clientelares han sido objeto de investigación recurrente en América Latina particularmente en las últimas tres décadas. Esta investigación ha enfatizado en sus modalidades de funcionamiento y consecuencias ...
La activación clientelar del electorado en México: entre compra de votos y comunicación políticaClientelistic activation of Mexican voters: between vote buying and political communication
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2019)
Clientelismo y educación: análisis de la calidad en la educación básica secundaria de las instituciones educativas oficiales del municipio de Itagüí 2015- 2017
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en Gobierno y Políticas PúblicasEscuela de Humanidades, 2018)
Education is one of the most important tools that societies have to eradicate social inequality and promote national prosperity -- Although in recent years there has been increased interest in the design of public policies ...
Disorder and everyday life in Barrancabermeja
This article examines how years of political violence and neoliberal restructuring have disorganized social life in Barrancabermeja. How, it asks, can working people grasp the future without the stability to understand the ...
The Policy of Familiarity. Towards a Political Ethnography of Affective Practices
In this article, some contributions from the anthropology of the state and clientelism are linked to illuminate the affective dimension of client relationships between professional politicians, bureaucrats, neighborhood ...
Clientelism: Concepts, Agents, and Solutions
In this chapter, we discuss some of the main issues pertaining to the literature on political clientelism. After defining some of the basic concepts associated with this topic, we support the claim that much of the literature ...