Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 115
Benthic organic carbon release stimulates bacterioplankton production in a clear-water subarctic lake
(University of Chicago Press, 2013-03)
We carried out a set of experiments in a small clear-water lake in northern Sweden during summer 2010 to assess the effect of organic C (OC) released from epipelic algae on pelagic bacterial production (BP). The release ...
Main drivers in the structure and dynamics of the zooplankton community in a pampean seepage shallow lake throughout an annual cycle during turbid and clear water regimes
(Islamic Azad University of Tonekabon, 2021-03)
We investigated the composition and dynamics of the zooplankton community in a pampean seepage lake (Buenos Aires, Argentina) under different environmental (rainfall, hydrometric level, conductivity, transparency) and ...
Localismo, globalismo y la expansión de tradiciones culturales: el caso de los hñahñú (otomí) de Hidalgo, México, y Clearwater, Florida
(Estudios de Cultura Otopame, 2011)
Disentangling the influences of habitat structure and limnological predictors on stream fish communities of a coastal basin, southeastern Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2014)
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear-water regime
(Cnr Ist Italiano Idrobiologia, 2016-06)
In Pampean lakes, very little information is available on epipelon structure and dynamics or the effect of environmental variables on those parameters. We anticipate that light may have the greatest influence on this ...
Data set of dissolved major and trace elements from the lacustrine systems of Clearwater Mesa, Antarctica
(Elsevier Inc., 2020-06)
This article presents analytical observations on physicochemical parameters and major and trace element concentrations of water, ice, and sediment samples from the lake systems of Clearwater Mesa (CWM), northeast Antarctic ...
Changes in ichthyofauna composition along a gradient from clearwaters to blackwaters in coastal streams of Atlantic forest (southeastern Brazil) in relation to environmental variables
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2012-09-01)
A falta de conhecimento dos peixes de água doce em riachos costeiros no estado de São Paulo é preocupante, considerando que estes riachos estão inseridos em um bioma brasileiro extremamente ameaçado, a floresta Atlântica. ...
Changes in ichthyofauna composition along a gradient from clearwaters to blackwaters in coastal streams of Atlantic forest (southeastern Brazil) in relation to environmental variables
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2012-09-01)
A falta de conhecimento dos peixes de água doce em riachos costeiros no estado de São Paulo é preocupante, considerando que estes riachos estão inseridos em um bioma brasileiro extremamente ameaçado, a floresta Atlântica. ...
Concordance between macroinvertebrate communities and the typological classification of white and clear-water streams in Western Brazilian Amazonia
(Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade, 2012-06-01)
Neste trabalho, nós investigamos se há correspondência entre comunidade de macroinvertebrados e classificação de igarapés em águas claras e brancas no oeste da Amazônia. Nós trabalhos em duas bacias hidrográficas, Rio Moa ...