Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 911
Conflict between the classical equivalence principle and quantum mechanics
As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum ...
Conflict between the classical equivalence principle and quantum mechanics
As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum ...
Classical versus quantum equivalence between sine-Gordon, Liouville and other solitons
In this work we present a mapping between the classical solutions of the sine-Gordon, Liouville, λφ4 and other kinks in 1+1 dimensions. This is done by using an invariant quantity which relates the models. It is easily ...
Classical versus quantum equivalence between sine-Gordon, Liouville and other solitons
In this work we present a mapping between the classical solutions of the sine-Gordon, Liouville, λφ4 and other kinks in 1+1 dimensions. This is done by using an invariant quantity which relates the models. It is easily ...
Correction to: Quantum Systems Simulatability Through Classical Networks (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, (2022), 61, 2, (30), 10.1007/s10773-022-05045-6)
The originally published version of this article contained mistake in the affiliations. It should read: 1 Fundación I+D del Software Libre - FIDESOL, Granada, Spain 2 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Logroño, ...
Comparison between Weber's electrodynamics and classical electrodynamics
(Indian Academy SciencesBangaloreÍndia, 2000)
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the equivalent classical transformation
In the usual supersymmetric quantum mechanics, the supercharges change the eigenfunction from the bosonic to fermionic sector and conversely. The classical correspondent of this transformation is shown to be the addition ...