Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 818
Análise de classes latentes: um tutorial usando software estatístico
(Brasil, 2015-09)
A análise de classes latentes (LCA, Latent Class Analysis, em inglês) é usada para identificar subgrupos, tipos ou categorias de indivíduos de uma população em estudo e permite identificar padrões de resposta com base em ...
Integrating psychometric indicators in latent class choice models
(Elsevier, 2014)
Latent class models are a convenient and intuitive way to introduce taste heterogeneity in
discrete choice models by relating attributes of the decision makers with unobserved
behavioral classes, hence allowing for a ...
Diagnosis of Burnout Syndrome in University Teachers through the Latent Class Model: an application of the Parametric BootstrapDiagnóstico del Síndrome de burnout en docentes universitarios por medio del modelo de clases latentes: una aplicación del Bootstrap paramétrico
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de Occidente, 2018)
Latent class analysis in sparse data: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in teenagersAnálisis de clases latentes en tablas poco ocupadas: consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en adolescentes
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2010)
Characterization of students with interrupted educational trajectories in a sample of reentry schools through latent class analysisCaracterización de estudiantes con trayectorias educativas interrumpidas en una muestra de escuelas de reingreso a través de análisis de clases latentes
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2020)
© 2020 PEL.Primary and secondary education in Chile is free and mandatory by law according to the Chilean Constitution. Consequently, attendance of primary and secondary education is a fundamental human right in Chilean ...
Experiences of Discrimination and Skin Color Among Women in Urban Brazil: A Latent Class Analysis
(SAGE Publications, 2020)
Identifying different 'types' of participants in the Chilean student movement: A latent transition analysis of collective action intentions, social class and movement identification
(Wiley, 2023)
Around the world, we witness not only growing levels of economic inequality but also the rise of protests whereby people from different social classes are demanding a more equal society. Our research uses a person-centered ...