Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18848
Informality, Class Structure, and Class Identity in Contemporary Argentina
(SAGE Publications, 2017-09)
The dynamics of peripheral capitalism in Latin America implies that a relevant proportion of the working class is employed or self-employed under informal employment arrangements. The neoliberal transformations of the 1990s ...
The identity of class in Latin America: Objective class position and subjective class identification in Argentina and Chile (2009)
(SAGE Publications, 2018-09)
Class identity is a key mechanism in the explanation of class-based collective action. For decades, this was particularly relevant in Latin America, where objective class inequality was persistent and there was a long ...
Las relaciones entre la estratificación social y la dinámica de clases
(IICA, 1972)
Se determinan los factores de la estructura social condiciones que mantienen o modifican en su caso, el sistema de valores representando por el sistema de a estratificación social.
Income polarization, the middle class and informal employment in Greater Buenos Aires, 1974-2010
(United Nations, 2013-04)
This article examines the social structure of Argentina’s main conurbation, Greater Buenos Aires, over the past four decades. The research focused on identifying changes in society by stratifying it into three social ...
Lesson planning: Building a path to class structure and mapping out successfull outcomes
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2018)
Consciência, consciência de classe e luta política no materialismo histórico de Marx e EngelsConscience, class conscience and political struggle on the historical materialism of Marx and Engels
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, 2021)