Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 153
State of light polarization
State of light polarization
Human non-decalcified histology of three dental implants 45 months under function-a case report
(Springer, 2019-09-25)
Background Fracture of an implant is a quite rare event but represents an important opportunity to evaluate the peri-implant bone tissue response to implant overload in human beings. This study aimed to evaluate bone tissue ...
Attosecond polarization control in atomic RABBITT-like experiments assisted by a circularly polarized laser
(IOP Publishing, 2017-10)
We study theoretically the single ionization of noble gas atoms by the combined action of an attosecond pulse train with linear polarization and an assistant laser field with circular polarization. We employ a non-perturbative ...
Chiral transmission between amino acids: Chirally selective amino acid substitution in the serine octamer as a possible step in homochirogenesis
(Wiley-v C H Verlag GmbhWeinheimAlemanha, 2002)