Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 110
Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: a survey and the main open problems
(Elsevier Science, 2014-02)
Circular-arc graphs are the intersection graphs of open arcs on a circle. Circle graphs are the intersection graphs of chords on a circle. These graph classes have been the subject of much study for many years and numerous ...
Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: A survey and the main open problems
(Elsevier, 2014)
Circular-arc graphs are the intersection graphs of open arcs on a circle. Circle graphs are
the intersection graphs of chords on a circle. These graph classes have been the subject
of much study for many years and numerous ...
Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs
(Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 2014-03)
A graph is balanced if its clique-vertex incidence matrix contains no square submatrix of odd order with exactly two ones per row and per column. There is a characterization of balanced graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs, ...
On nested and 2-nested graphs: Two subclasses of graphs between threshold and split graphs
(Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica, 2019-06)
A (0, 1)-matrix has the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P) for the rows if there is a permutation of its columns such that the ones in each row appear consecutively. We say a (0, 1)-matrix is nested if it has the consecutive ...
Loops in generalized reeb graphs associated to stable circle-valued functions
Let N be a smooth compact, connected and orientable 2-manifold with or without boundary. Given a stable circle-valued function γ: N → S1, we introduced a topological invariant associated to γ, called generalized Reeb graph. ...
We present parallel algorithms on the BSP/CGM model, with p processors, to count and generate all the maximal cliques of a circle graph with n vertices and m edges. To count the number of all the maximal cliques, without ...
On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)
Golumbic, Lipshteyn and Stern [12] proved that every graph can be represented as the edge
intersection graph of paths on a grid (EPG graph), i.e., one can associate with each vertex
of the graph a nontrivial path on a ...
Balancedness of some subclasses of circular-arc graphs
(Elsevier Science, 2010-08)
A graph is balanced if its clique-vertex incidence matrix is balanced, i.e., it does not contain a square submatrix of odd order with exactly two ones per row and per column. Interval graphs, obtained as intersection graphs ...