Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 380
Circadian and seasonal variation in the essential oil from Virola surinamensis leaves
(Elsevier B.V., 1997-10-01)
The essential oil from leaves of Virola surinamensis shows circadian variation in elemicin and in monoterpenes during the rainy season (February). The monoterpenes represents 50% of total volatile compounds during the dry ...
Circadian and seasonal variation in the essential oil from Virola surinamensis leaves
(Elsevier B.V., 1997-10-01)
The essential oil from leaves of Virola surinamensis shows circadian variation in elemicin and in monoterpenes during the rainy season (February). The monoterpenes represents 50% of total volatile compounds during the dry ...
Circadian and seasonal variation of the body temperature of sheep in a tropical environment.
(Springer, 1995-11-01)
Nychthemeral and annual rhythms of the rectal temperature were determined for Corriedale sheep in a tropical climate. The minimum rectal temperature averaged 39.55 degrees C at 0500 hours in summer, and 38.87 degrees C at ...
Circadian and seasonal variation in the essential oil from Virola surinamensis leaves
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Physiology of circadian entrainment
(American Physiological Society, 2010-07)
Mammalian circadian rhythms are controlled by endogenous biological oscillators, including a master clock located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Since the period of this oscillation is of ∼24 h, to keep ...
Circadian rhythms in metabolic variables in Caenorhabditis elegans
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011-06)
Circadian rhythms govern a wide variety of physiological and metabolic functions in most organisms through neural networks, hormones and gene expression. In this work, we studied the circadian variation in metabolic variables ...
Falls Risk, Circadian Rhythms and Melatonin: Current Perspectives
(Dove Press, 2020-11)
Aging is associated with weakening of the circadian system. The circadian amplitude of most physiological variables is reduced, while the circadian phase becomes more labile and tends to occur earlier with advancing age. ...