Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2476
Short-range regulatory chromatin loops in plants
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-04)
In all eukaryotic organisms, gene expression correlates with the condensation state of the chromatin. Highly packed genome regions, known as heterochromatins, are associated with repressed loci, whereas euchromatic regions ...
Chromatin Packing in Normal and Teratozoospermic Human Ejaculated Spermatozoa
Chromatinpackung in normalen Spermatozoen und solchen von Männern mit Teratozoospermie Normalgeformte ovale und Teratozoospermie‐Spermatozoen wurden mittels verschiedener Untersuchungstechniken miteinander verglichen ...
Chromatin supraorganization and extensibility in mouse hepatocytes following starvation and refeeding
(Wiley-lissHobokenEUA, 2005)
Interplay among ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodelers Determines Chromatin Organisation in Yeast
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-07)
Cellular DNA is packaged into chromatin, which is composed of regularly-spaced nucleosomes with occasional gaps corresponding to active regulatory elements, such as promoters and enhancers, called nucleosome-depleted regions ...
Plant chromatin replicated in the absence of protein synthesis
The aim of the present work is to detect possible differences in the chromatin of plants replicated in the absence of protein synthesis.The kinetics of nuclease digestion in Allium cepa L., evaluated after making the cells ...
Sex Chromatin in Dental Pulp: Performance of Diagnosis Test and Gold Standard Generation
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2010)
Coexistence of two chromatin structures in sperm nuclei of the bivalve molluscProtothaca thaca
(Springer Netherlands, 2008)
Chromatin supraorganization and extensibility in mouse hepatocytes with development and aging
(Wiley-lissHobokenEUA, 2007)
Extended chromatin fibers and chromatin organization
(Informa HealthcareNew YorkEUA, 2011)