Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 749
A paixão da fé: uma análise a partir da obra Temor e tremor de Soren Kierkegaard.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-05-09)
Kierkegaard’s thinking is placed in the context of the philosophical critique of religion, which started with Hegel. Kierkegaard is opposed to the perspective of Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion, reducing Christianity to a ...
The examination of the virtue of faith for Dante
In canto XXIV of Paradise, Dante is called to answer a series of questions about the virtue of faith. The purpose of this article is - first - to show what is the logical structure that underlies the conception of the ...
Diálogo inter-religioso cristão a partir da centralidade de Jesus: impasses e perspectivas.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-09-29)
This master‟s dissertation aims to present some aspects of the itinerary followed by Christian theology in its effort to understand the relationship between Christianity and other religions, as well as to maintain an ...
La crítica de Kierkegaard a la fe cristiana del"Todo es posible" en Temor y temblor y El concepto de la angustiaThe Kierkegaard's criticism to the christian faith of the "Everything is possible" in Fear and Trembling and The Concept of Anxiety
(Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, 2020)
El pensamiento de Søren Kierkegaard ha sido vastamente trabajado, en torno al concepto de fe y, a su vez, aparece que es una fe ceñida a la interpretación bíblica del cristianismo. Por ello, es frecuente encontrar a ...
A fé como pressuposto para conhecer Deus em Kierkegaard.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2020-02-05)
This research proposes, from Kierkegaardian studies, to analyze "Faith as a
presupposition to know God". God is something paradoxical to the understanding. He
reveals Himself from an existential communication provided ...
La fe religiosa: un compromiso económico (a propósito de el evangelio en Solentiname de Ernesto Cardenal)
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1980)
Repensar la religión: de la creencia al conocimiento
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2011)