Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2282
Crit??rios utilizados na escolha de institui????es de ensino superior privadas de salvador.
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2008)
Critérios utilizados na escolha de instituições de ensino superior privadas de salvador.
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2008)
As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas experimentaram um crescimento
vertiginoso nas duas últimas décadas. Num ambiente de extrema concorrência e de
vital importância como este, conhecer melhor o usuário torna-se ...
Right-to-Choose Auctions: A Field Study of Water Markets in the Limari Valley of Chile
Field experiments were conducted with farmers in the Limari Valley of Chile to test extant theory on right-to-choose auctions. Water volumes that differed by reservoir source and time of availability were offered for sale ...
Choosing wisely for thyroid conditions: Recommendations of the thyroid department of the Brazilian society of endocrinology and metabolism
Objective: Choosing Wisely (CW) is an initiative that aims to advance the dialogue between physicians and patients about low-value health interventions. Given that thyroid conditions are frequent in clinical practice, we ...
Institutional Specialization
This paper presents a theory of institutional specialization in which some countries uphold the rule of law while others choose extractive institutions, even when countries are ex-ante identical. The driving force of ...
Institutional specialization
This paper presents a theory of institutional specialization in which some countries uphold the rule of law while others choose extractive institutions, even though they are ex-ante identical.This is borne out of two key ...
Choosing the right journal for your systematic review
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-12-01)
Rationale, aims and objectives The importance of systematic reviews (SRs) as an aid to decision making in health care has led to an increasing interest in the development of this type of study. When selecting a target ...
GESTÃO ESTRATÉGICA: qual é o valor que define a escolha entre um banco ou uma cooperativa de crédito
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014)
Opening an account at a financial institution is an important decision for customers. Choosing the type of financial institution is as important, so that the customer's needs are met with satisfaction, generating a win-win ...
GESTÃO ESTRATÉGICA: qual é o valor que define a escolha entre um banco ou uma cooperativa de crédito
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014)
Opening an account at a financial institution is an important decision for customers. Choosing the type of financial institution is as important, so that the customer's needs are met with satisfaction, generating a win-win ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005)