Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Aspectos reproductivos y uso de hábitat del Cauquén Común (Chloephaga picta) y el cauquén real (Chloephaga poliocephala) en Isla de los Estados, ArgentinaReproductive aspects and habitat use by Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta) and ashyheaded Goose (Chloephaga poliocephala) in Staten Island, Argentina
(Asociación Ornitológica del Plata, 2016-12)
Durante las últimas décadas, las poblaciones de cauquenes (Chloephaga sp.) en Argentina han disminuido drásticamente. En Bahía Franklin, Isla de los Estados, se registraron y estudiaron 21 nidos de Cauquén Común (Chloephaga ...
Winter population size estimations of three migratory sheldgeese in thes southern Pampas, Argentina
(Waterbird Society, 2018-03-01)
Sheldgeese [Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta picta), Ashy-headed Goose (C. poliocephala) and Ruddyheaded Goose (C. rubidiceps)] have similar migratory patterns, breeding in Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) and wintering mainly ...
Parque Nacional Corcovado: Belleza y diversidad austral
([s.n.], 2018)
Efecto del pastoreo por el Cauquén común (Chloephaga picta) en cultivos de trigo (Triticum durum)Effects of Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta) grazing on wheat (Triticum durum) crops
(Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2016-09)
Desde 1931 y hasta años recientes, el Cauquén Común (Chloephaga picta), Real (C. poliocephala) y Colorado (C. rubidiceps), fueron considerados plaga en Argentina, atribuyéndoles daños a la agricultura por consumo de pasturas ...
Molecular phylogeny of the South American sheldgeese with implications for conservation of Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and continental populations of the Ruddy-headed Goose Chloephaga rubidiceps and Upland Goose C. picta
(Cambridge University Press, 2014-03)
Sheldgeese of the genus Chloephaga are waterfowl (Anatidae) endemic to mainland South America and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Continental populations of three species C. picta, C. poliocephala, and C. rubidiceps breed ...
Biología de la conservación de tres especies de cauquén (Chloephaga spp.)Conservation biology of three species of South American sheldgeese (Chloephaga spp.)
Los cauquenes son aves endémicas de América del Sur. Tres de ellos, el Cauquén Común (Chloephaga picta), el Cauquén Real (C. poliocephala) y el Cauquén Colorado (C. rubidiceps) se encuentran amenazados en Argentina. En la ...
Evaluating the impacts and benefits of sheldgeese on crop yields in the Pampas region of Argentina: a contribution for mitigating the conflicts with agriculture
(Elsevier, 2019-07-01)
Conflicts between waterfowl and agriculture are common in many nations around the world. However, these birds can also provide a variety of benefits that humanity can obtain from nature. There are three migratory and endemic ...
Human-Sheldgeese conflict in agricultural landscapes: Effects of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on Sheldgeese distribution in the southern Pampa, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2014-01)
Sheldgeese species are currently the subject of serious conservation concern and have been a source of historical conflict with agricultural interests. Here we assess the relative effects of environmental and anthropogenic ...