Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 73
The roto on the screen: the urban popular type in the classical chilean cinemaO roto na tela: o tipo popular urbano no cinema chileno clássico
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
Reseña. Vania Barraza y Carl Fischer, editoras. Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First Century World. Wayne State University Press: Detroit, Michigan, 2020, 376 pp.
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, 2021)
The ratings of the Chilean Film Censorship Board in 1960-1973. A study on the changing film reception
(Fotocinema, España, 2020)
The goal of this text is to quantitatively describe the work of the Chilean Film Censorship Board between 1960 and 1973 (period framed by the validity of Decree n degrees 37 of 1959), based on the information of more than ...
'Domestic films' home and cultural memory in Tiziana Panizza's trilogy of film letters
(Berghahn Journals, 2018-07)
This article explores the construction of deterritorialized intimate spaces and the materialities of cultural memory in Tiziana Panizza's trilogy of experimental documentary films, Dear Nonna: A Film Letter (2004), Remitente: ...
Represent the community. Chilean cinema in three stages 1990 - 2017
(Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2018)
Rhetoric of the Spectacle and Historical Scene. Narrative and Cinema in Chile and Argentina (2001-2015)Retórica del espectáculo y la escena histórica. Narrativa y cine en Chile y Argentina (2001-2015)
(Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2019)
Tránsitos del documental chileno (2000-2018): Hacia una epistemología de la imagen documental
(Asoc Desarrollo Comunicación, 2020)
This article seeks to define and interrogate the epistemic and aesthetic transformations of Chilean documentary film between 2000 and 2018. The article raises a series of questions related to the representational function ...