Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 308
Roadside Market, Trinidad
Street vendors sell their vegetable produce on vending stands on the roadside, outside of the Green Flag Bar. The baskets that once held their produce are neatly tucked under the tables that now hold the produce. A sign ...
[Frederick Street, Trinidad]
Pedestrians crossing Frederick Street, downtown Port of Spain.
Market Scene, Trinidad
Women selling their vegetables in the market.
Police Barracks, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Muir, Marshall and Co., Trinidad, 2010-04-14)
External view of the Police Barracks building, Port of Spain, Trinidad with St. Vincent Street at left and Sackville Street at right. A family is standing on St. Vincent Street.
On the Way to School, Tobago, B.W.I.
(Waterman, the Hatter, Clothier and Outfitter,[Trinidad and Tobago];Printed in Germany, 2011-02-10)
This postcard shows a group of school children on the beach on their way to school.
On the Way to School, Tobago, B.W.I.
(Waterman, the Hatter, Clothier and Outfitter,[Trinidad and Tobago];Printed in Germany, 2011-02-10)
This postcard shows a group of school children on the beach on their way to school.
Pounding Rice, Trinidad, B.W.I.
A woman of East Indian descent, outside of a mud hut pounding rice while a young child looks on. Postcard number 25566.
Native Home, Trinidad
([Hamburg American Line], 2011-03-10)
This private mailing postcard is an adverstisement for Hamburg-America Line. The postcard shows a family of East Indian descent in front of their modest dwelling which has a thatched roof. The family's laundry has been ...
Roadside Market, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Stephens Ltd., Port of Spain, Trinidad,B.W.I. [Printed in Saxony], 2009-02-09)
Female vendors selling their vegetable produce at the roadside. There is a man wearing a dhoti (wrapped shorts - East Indian attire) at the far right. Printed on the reverse side of the card “This is a real photograph.”
[Ox Driving]
Picturesque postcard of a man sitting on his ox cart with a little boy standing alongside the cart. Description on the back of postcard:” In many places the ox cart is the only mean [sic] of transportation.” The postcard ...