Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 457
The boss is always right: Preschoolers endorse the testimony of a dominant over that of a subordinate
Recent research has shown that young children rely on social cues to evaluate testimony. For instance, they prefer to endorse testimony provided by a consensual group than by a single dissenter. Given that dominance is ...
The boss is always right: Preschoolers endorse the testimony of a dominant over that of a subordinate
Recent research has shown that young children rely on social cues to evaluate testimony. For instance, they prefer to endorse testimony provided by a consensual group than by a single dissenter. Given that dominance is ...
O depoimento sem dano como garantia à integral proteção dos direitos infanto-juvenis
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2013-12-16)
Rights relating to children and adolescents consolidation occurred in Brazil with the institutionalization of guarantees, both through the Federal Constitution enacted in 1988 as by the entry into force of the Child and ...
The influence of power and reason on young Maya children's endorsement of testimony
Two important parenting strategies are to impose one's power and to use reasoning. The effect of these strategies on children's evaluation of testimony has received very little attention. Using the epistemic vigilance ...
The influence of power and reason on young Maya children's endorsement of testimony
Two important parenting strategies are to impose one's power and to use reasoning. The effect of these strategies on children's evaluation of testimony has received very little attention. Using the epistemic vigilance ...
Testimony of childhood experience in exile and its representation in the children's tale Currupaco Papaco, by Ana Maria MachadoTestemunho da experiência da infância no exílio e sua representação no conto para crianças Currupaco Papaco, de Ana Maria Machado
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2019)
Testimony in three voices: testis, superstes e arbiterO testemunho em três vozes: testis, superstes e arbiter
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2019)
Testemunho da experiência da infância no exílio e sua representação no conto infanto-juvenil meninos sem pátria, de Luiz PuntelTestimony of the experience of childhood in exile and its representation in the children's tale boys without homeland, by Luiz Puntel
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilUFPA, 2021)
Cross-Cultural Differences in the Valuing of Dominance by Young Children
Developmental research suggests that young children tend to value dominant individuals over subordinates. This research, however, has nearly exclusively been carried out in Western cultures, and cross-cultural research ...