Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 265
You get what you pay for: reward-specific trade-offs among direct and ant-mediated defences in plants
(Royal SocLondonInglaterra, 2012)
Changes in growth and chemical defences upon defoliation in maize
The effect of defoliation on growth and on levels and allocation patterns of hydroxamic acids (Hx) in maize seedlings was evaluated 6 days after treatment. No significant differences were found between defoliated and ...
Herbivore induction of jasmonic acid and chemical defences reduce photosynthesis in Nicotiana attenuata
(Oxford University Press, 2013-01)
Herbivory initiates a shift in plant metabolism from growth to defence that may reduce fitness in the absence of further herbivory. However, the defence-induced changes in carbon assimilation that precede this reallocation ...
Faecal shield of the tortoise beetle Plagiometriona aff. flavescens (Chrysomelidae : Cassidinae) as chemically mediated defence against predators
(Cambridge Univ PressNew YorkEUA, 2005)
Environmental effects on the induction of wheat chemical defences by aphid infestation
(Springer Verlag, 1996)
The effects of temperature and photoperiod on the ability of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings to show induced responses (increased accumulation of hydroxamic acids, Hx) upon infestation by the bird cheery-oat aphid. ...
Why do larvae of Utetheisa ornatrix penetrate and feed in pods of Crotalaria species? Larval performance vs. chemical and physical constraints
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2006)
Maternally derived chemical defenses are an effective deterrent against some predators of poison frog tadpoles (Oophaga pumilio)
Parents defend their young in many ways, including provisioning chemical defences. Recent work in a poison frog system offers the first example of an animal that provisions its young with alkaloids after hatching or birth ...
Morphological caste differences in primitively eusocial insects: the Van der Vecht organ of Mischocyttarus paper wasps
(Oxford Univ Press, 2020-07-01)
Nests of independent-founding primitively eusocial paper wasps are founded by one or a few females. Before worker emergence, foundresses must forage, sometimes leaving the nest unattended. Chemical defence - the application ...
Invasive and non-invasive congeneric Centaurea (Asteraceae) show contrasting patterns of herbivory by snails
(Royal Botanical Society of Belgium, 2016-07)
Background and aims – Once introduced into new regions, exotic species often experience shifts in resource allocation in response to the different environmental conditions found in the introduction range. Plants naturally ...