Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Estimación del tamaño del genoma en especies de la tribu Cestreae (Solanaceae) mediante citometría de imagenEstimation of genome size in species of the tribe Cestreae (Solanaceae) by image cytometry
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2015-06)
Los géneros Cestrum, Sessea y Vestia pertenecen a la tribu Cestreae y presentan varias características cromosómicas que los diferencian de otras especies de Solanaceae, como el número y tamaño cromosómico. El tamaño del ...
(Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción, 2005)
Chromosomal differentiation of Tribe Cestreae (Solanaceae) by analyses of 18-5.8-26S and 5S rDNA distribution
(Springer Wien, 2014-10)
Tribe Cestreae is monophyletic with three genera: Cestrum, Sessea, and Vestia. Karyotypically, it is outstanding within Solanaceae by several features: (1) basic number x = 8, (2) large chromosome sizes, (3) complex ...
Karyotypes of some species of Cestrum, Sessea, and Vestia (tribe Cestreae, Solanaceae)
(Univ Florence Botany Inst, 2006-12)
The somatic chromosomes of Cestrum bigibbosum Pittier, C. buxifolium Kunth, Sessea corymbosa Goudot ex Taylor and Phillips and Vestia foetida (Ruiz et Pav.) Hoffmanns, were examined by classical staining. The number 2n = ...
Clave de tribus y géneros incertae sedis
(Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, 2013)
Se presenta una clave diferencial de las 11 tribus de la familia representadas en la Argentina y de los géneros de posición aún incierta. Incluye 35 géneros
Solanaceae del Parque Nacional Henry Pittier, Venezuela -I. Sinopsis de las tribus Cestreae, Salpiglossidae y Schwenckieae
Este primer trabajo de una serie intitulada"Solanaceae
del Parque Nacional Henri Pittier", presenta una sinopsis
del las tribus Cestreae, Salpiglossideae y Schwenckieae
con sus respectivos géneros y especies. El inventario ...
IGS sequences in Cestrum present AT- and GC-rich conserved domains, with strong regulatory potential for 5S rDNA
The 35S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) organized in thousands of copies in genomes, have been widely used in numerous comparative cytogenetic studies. Nevertheless, several questions related to the diversity and organization ...
Flower vascularisation in Solanaceae: a particular pattern in Metternichia J.G.MikanVascularisation florale des Solanaceae: le modèle particulier de Metternichia J. G. Mikan.
(Publications Scientifiques Du Museum, Paris, 2009-12)
The delimitation and relationship of several genera of Solanaceae are not resolved
yet. The systematic position of Metternichia principis J.G.Mikan has long
been discussed; recently it was split from Cestreae G.Don to a ...
The chromosomes of Metternichia principis (Solanaceae) and their significance in the systematic position of the genus
(Missouri Botanical Garden, 2005)
The chromosome and karyotype of Metternichia principis are studied for the first time. This species has 2n=2x=26 and symmetrical karyotype composed of 10 metacentric pairs, 2 meta-submetacentric pairs, and one submetacentric ...