Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Graptolitos Caradocianos de la Formación Yerba Loca y del Cerro La Chilca, Departamento Jachal, Provincia de San Juan
(Servicio Nacional Minero Geológico, 1975)
Darriwilian (Middle ordovician) conodonts and graptolites from the cerro la chilca section, central precordillera, ArgentinaConodontes y graptolitos darriwilianos (Ordovícico medio) del cerro la chilca, precordillera central, argentina. Argentina
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, 2020-01)
The Ordovician System is extensively represented in the Precordillera of San Juan Province, Argentina. At the Cerro La Chilca in the Jáchal area, the limestone of the San Juan Formation is paraconformably overlain by ...
Discovery of Silurian sponge spicules from the Argentine Precordillera
(Wiley, 2011-12-06)
An association of silicified spicules of hexactinellid sponges was collected from Silurian sandstones at the top of the La Chilca Formation, cropping out at Cerro del Fuerte, 20 km east of Jáchal, in the San Juan Precordillera ...
New biostratigraphic proposal for the lower palaeozoic tucunuco group (San Juan precordillera, Argentina) based on marine and terrestrial palynomorphs
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2015-02)
This is an exhaustive analysis of the palynomorph assemblages, organic-walled marine phytoplankton and miospores from the Tucunuco Group. This group includes the La Chilca and Los Espejos formations and is exposed in the ...
Lower middle Darriwilian (Ordovician) graptolites and index conodonts from the Central Precordillera of San Juan Province, Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-09)
This study includes 3 localities from the Jáchal area in the Central Precordillera of San Juan Province, from north to south: the Oculta creek, Las Aguaditas creek, and Cerro La Chilca sections. We deal with the graptolite ...