Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2415
Brief communication: Collapse of 4Mm3 of ice from a cirque glacier in the Central Andes of Argentina
(Copernicus Publications, 2019-03)
Among glacier instabilities, collapses of large parts of low-angle glaciers are a striking, exceptional phenomenon. So far, merely the 2002 collapse of Kolka Glacier in the Caucasus Mountains and the 2016 twin detachments ...
Threshold level approach for streamflow drought analysis in the Central Andes of Argentina: a climatological assessment
(Iahs Press, 2017-09)
A streamflow drought climatology was developed over the Central Andes of Argentina, a semi-arid region highly vulnerable to climatic variations, based on the analysis of daily historical streamflow records. A threshold ...
Timing and extent of late pleistocene glaciation in the arid central andes of Argentina and Chile (22°-41°s)
(Universidad de La Rioja, 2017-07)
The arid Central Andes are a key site to study changes in intensity and movement of the three main atmospheric circulation systems over South America: the South American Summer Monsoon (SASM), the Westerlies and the El ...
La predicción de nieve sobre los Andes Centrales en Argentina usando métodos estadísticos
(Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos, 2017)
Geodynamic processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina: an introduction
(Geological Society, 2015)
Kinematics of a translational/rotational landslide, Central Andes, Northwestern Argentina
(Geological Society of America, 2006-04)
The eastern foothills of the Central Andes, known as the Subandean Ranges, in Peru, Bolivia, and northwestern Argentina, are characterized by heavy rainfall, weakly cemented substrate rocks, thick regoliths, and bedding ...
First record of dot-winged crake, Porzana spiloptera, durnford, 1877 (Rallidae) for the central Andes in Argentina
(Pensoft Publishers, 2017-07)
Porzana spiloptera, the Dot-wing Crake, has a patchy distribution in southern South America and has previously been considered as inhabiting exclusively lowland wetlands. Here we present evidence of a new population ...
Balance de masa geodésico 2000-2011 de los glaciares de la cuenca del río Atuel, Andes Centrales de Mendoza (Argentina)2000-2011 geodetic mass balance of the glaciers in the Aatuel catchment, Central Andes of Mendoza (Argentina)
(Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas, 2018-03)
A pesar de ser una de las cadenas montañosas más largas y con mayor cobertura glaciar del mundo, existen vastas áreas de la Cordillera de los Andes donde las tendencias de cambio glaciar son poco conocidas. El presente ...
Landslide Hazard and Risk Zonation Mapping in the Río Grande Basin, Central Andes of Mendoza, Argentina
(Mountain Research & Development, 2002-05)
This paper presents an inventory of landslides and hazard and risk zonation mapping along the Río Grande basin in the Central Andes of Mendoza. The mapping was based on field work combined with interpretation of aerial ...