Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 50
Climate scenarios and impacts of droughts and other hydrometeorological events in the Central American dry corridor
Predicting rainfall during April-May-June (AMJ), as the first peak of the rainy season in the
Central American isthmus, is very important since it has been observed that more or less
humid conditions during AMJ tend to ...
Future changes in the ecosystem services at Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica and their implications for the nearby communities of the Central American Dry Corridor
We present a valuation of the main ecosystem services of the Rincon de la Vieja National Park (RVNP), as part of the Guanacaste Conservation Area (GCA) in the North Pacific of Costa Rica. The analysis consisted of an ...
Dynamical delimitation of the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) using drought indices and aridity values
The Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) is a sub-region in the isthmus that is relatively drier than the rest of the territory. Traditional delineations of the CADC’s boundaries start at the Pacific coast of southern ...
Nuevo sistema de información geoespacial respaldará el desarrollo rural territorial en América Central
(IICA, 2015)
Los países de América Central podrán aprovechar una plataforma en línea y una red de conocimiento que serán creadas para apoyar procesos de toma de decisiones en temas de desarrollo y cambio climático.
Precursors of quasi-decadal dry-spells in the Central America Dry Corridor
Although the hydric stress in Central America is generally low, there is a region relatively drier and prone to drought known as the Central America Dry Corridor (CADC). The area of interest is located mainly in the Pacific ...
Secondary Tropical Dry Forests Are Important to Cattle Ranchers in Northwestern Costa Rica
(Universidad Nacional, 2020)
The Central American Dry Corridor: A Consensus Statement and its Background
A unique gathering of climate, development and environmental experts took place from September 25-28, 2017 in San José and Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The subject of their deliberations was the Central American Dry ...
The Central American Dry Corridor in a Historical PerspectiveEl Corredor Seco Centroamericano en perspectiva histórica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)
Asociación entre los índices de sequía e impactos socio-productivos provocados por sequías en Costa Rica
[Introducción]: Las sequías en Costa Rica son un evento hidrometeorológico extremo que afecta a muchos productores agrícolas y a la sociedad en general. [Objetivo]: Identificar cuál índice de sequía logra una relación más ...
Climate security in the dry corridor of Latin America
(CIMMYT, 2022)