Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 461
Argilominerais de Coberturas Sedimentares Cenozóicas do Centro-leste do Estado de São Paulo
Clay mineral analysis contributed to the mineralogical characterization and stratigraphic setting of continental Cenozoic deposits of central-eastern portion of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. These deposits, often ...
Quaternary fans and colluvium as indicators of environmental change and landscape sensitivityQuaternary fans and colluvium as indicators of environmental change and landscape sensitivity
(Instituto Geológico, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, 2002)
Sedimentation model of piggyback basins: Cenozoic examples of San Juan Precordillera, Argentina
(Geological Society of London, 2014-02)
Piggyback basins are one of the most important sediment storage systems for foredeep basins within foreland basin systems, so understanding the dynamics of sediment accumulation and allocyclic changes is essential. Three ...
Nannofossils, foraminifera and microforaminiferal linings in the Cenozoic diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctica
(Polish Acad Sciences Committee Polar Research, 2014-01)
Micropaleontological and palynological samples from three Cenozoic dia− mictites at Cape Lamb, Vega Island, James Ross Basin were analysed. Fossiliferous sam− ples yielded reworked and autochthonous assemblages of Mesozoic ...
Late Cenozoic Foraminifera from diamictites of Cape Lamb, Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2013-04)
Abstract. Foraminiferal assemblages recovered from Cape Lamb sediments on Vega Island are examined and illustrated herein. The foraminifera were discovered in Cenozoic debris and palagonitic breccia lithofacies that crop ...
Cenozoic sedimentary history of the northern Argentine continental slope, off Bahia Blanca, the location of the Ewing Terrace: Palaeogeodynamic and palaeoceanographic implications
(Elsevier Science, 2019-11)
New insights into the Cenozoic depositional architecture based on the seismic stratigraphy of the northern Argentine continental slope, off Bahia Blanca, allow us to reconstruct its sedimentary evolution. Five major seismic ...