Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 422
Cell migration: From tissue culture to embryos
(Company of Biologists Ltd, 2014)
Cell migration is a fundamental process that occurs during embryo development. Classic studies using in vitro culture systems have been instrumental in dissecting the principles of cell motility and highlighting how cells ...
Common factors regulating patterning of the nervous and vascular systems
(Annual Reviews, 2010)
The vascular and the nervous systems of vertebrates share many features with similar and often overlapping anatomy. The parallels between these two systems extend to the molecular level, where recent work has identified ...
Neurotrophic factor NT-3 displays a non-canonical cell guidance signaling function for cephalic neural crest cells
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2013-11)
Chemotactic cell migration is triggered by extracellular concentration gradients of molecules segregated by target fields. Neural crest cells (NCCs), paradigmatic as an accurately moving cell population, undergo wide ...
Requirement of Pax6 for the integration of guidance cues in cell migration
(Royal Society Publishing, 2017)
The intricate patterns of cell migration that are found throughout development are generated through a vast array of guidance cues. Responding integratively to distinct, often conflicting, migratory signals is probably ...
Insights into Stem Cell Factor chemotactic guidance of neural crest cells revealed by a real-time directionality-based assay
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2012-05)
The extracellular environment through which neural crest cells (NCCs) translocate and differentiate plays a crucial role in the determination of cell migration and homing. In the trunk, NCC-derived melanocyte precursor ...
Role of neuronal guidance cues in the pathophysiology of obesity: A peripher-al and central overview
Obesity is associated with an exacerbated synthesis and secretion of several molecules, which culmi-nates in chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance. Such conditions affect molecular and physiolog-ical responses ...
Mechanisms of the sperm guidance, an essential aid for meeting the oocyte
(AME Publishing, 2017-03)
In mammals, ejaculated spermatozoa must migrate into the female reproductive tract in order to reach and fertilize the oocyte (Figure 1). The number of spermatozoa that reach the oviductal isthmus (where they attach to ...
Time-course muscle-cell biomarkers as guidance for optimizing recovery in rlite female brazilian soccers players
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014-05-01)
Regulation of axonal development by the nuclear protein hindsight (pebbled) in the Drosophila visual system
(Academic Press Inc., 2010)
The molecules and networks involved in the process of acquisition and maintenance of the form of a mature neuron are not completely known. Using a misexpression screen we identified the gene hindsight as a gene involved ...
3D-printed nerve guidance conduits multi-functionalized with canine multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells promote neuroregeneration after sciatic nerve injury in rats
Background: Nerve injuries are debilitating, leading to long-term motor deficits. Remyelination and axonal growth are supported and enhanced by growth factor and cytokines. Combination of nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) ...