Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
Análisis paleoecológico de malacofauna neógena en el Caribe sur (Formaciones Jimol y Castilletes, Cuenca Cocinetas)
(Universidad EAFITGeologíaEscuela de Ciencias. Departamento de Geología, 2016)
Mapa B-3 Geología de superficie
(Creole Petroleum Corporation, 2015)
Mapa compuesto A-2 y 3; B-2 y 3 Geología de superficie
(Creole Petroleum Corporation, 2015)
Mapa B-3-B Geología de superficie
(Creole Petroleum Corporation, 2015)
Miocene turtles from the northernmost tip of South America; giant tortoises, chelids, and podocnemidids from Castilletes Formation, Colombia
ere we describe the northernmost South American record of fossil turtles from the late early Miocene to early middle Miocene of the Castilletes Formation, on the Alta Guajira Peninsula, Cocinetas basin, Colombia. Turtles ...
Northernmost tip of South America: Giant testudinids, chelids, and podocnemidids from the castilletes formation, Colombia
Here we describe the northernmost South American record of fossil turtles from the late early Miocene to early middle Miocene of the Castilletes Formation, on the Alta Guajira Peninsula, Cocinetas basin, Colombia. Turtles ...